Katie Steinert, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor


Plant Illustration ✨ 🌱 by Tania Sharma on DribbbleAsking for help and obtaining a fresh perspective is often the first and most profound step toward creating positive change. Let’s work together to explore what’s working well in your life, what’s not working well, and how to move forward.

My ultimate goal is to help you develop the mental resilience, flexibility, and self-compassion needed to lead a fulfilling life.

Please contact me to schedule a free initial consultation.

719-642-0167     |     Send Email

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The Benefits of Therapy

Therapy can provide you with the necessary support and training to overcome the challenges you face. By seeking therapy, you are taking responsibility to change what no longer works in your life.

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”

– Nido Qubein

Websites for Therapists by TherapyTribe